Quantum Computing on a Commodore 64 in 200 Lines of BASIC

In an age where companies are selling two-qubit quantum computers for a sum of money that would make your wallet recoil in horror, here we are, stepping off the beaten path and walking down memory lane to a time when computers were, well, somewhat simpler.

QC64 preparing a Bell’s state

Join me on this delightful journey where we shatter the belief that quantum simulations need groundbreaking technologies. Get ready to be amazed as we simulate two-qubit quantum computing operations on none other than our retro powerhouse, the Commodore 64.

You heard it right! Our beloved Commodore 64, an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982, is ready to show those fancy, pricey quantum computers how it’s done. Let’s roll up our sleeves, dust off those old systems, and dive into the world of quantum simulations!

The Commodore Quantum Simulator

The Commodore Quantum Simulator is a BASIC program capable of simulating various quantum gate operations on a two-qubit system. With this system, you can simulate operations such as Pauli-X, Pauli-Y, Pauli-Z, Hadamard, CNOT, and he SWAP gate.

Upon launching the simulator, it defaults to the initial state of |00>. The simulator then prompts for a sequence of quantum gates to be applied. For instance, inputting “H0CX” instructs the simulator to apply the Hadamard gate on qubit 0, followed by a CNOT gate operation. Subsequent to this state manipulation, the simulator proceeds to run a defined number of iterations, simulating the quantum state’s evolution with each step. At the end of this process, it then provides the user with the distribution of quantum states, offering a tangible insight into the fascinating probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.


Quantum computing might seem like a domain only for the most advanced hardware on the planet. But at its heart, it’s a series of mathematical transformations, all of which are perfectly suited for our good old Commodore 64.

So next time when someone brags about their ultra-advanced quantum computer, remind them gently of the time when you performed quantum simulations on an 8-bit computer from the 1980s. The Commodore 64 might not break any speed records, but it will definitely break some preconceived notions about quantum computing.

05 rem r* are real parts and i* are imagenary parts of the sv
10 r0 = 1 : i0 = 0 : r1 = 0 : i1 = 0
15 r2 = 0 : i2 = 0 : r3 = 0 : i3 = 0
20 a0 = 0
25 shots = 28
30 print chr$(147)
40 print "c64 quantum simulator"
45 print "created by davide gessa (dakk)"
50 print "enter gate seq (x0,x1,y0,y1,z0,z1,h0,h1,cx,sw)"
60 input g$
65 print "calculating the statevector...";
70 for i = 1 to len(g$) step 2
80  gate$ = mid$(g$, i, 2)
90  gosub 200
91  print ".";
100 next i
101 print

102 sq = r0*r0 + i0*i0 + r1*r1 + i1*i1 + r2*r2 + i2*i2 + r3*r3 + i3*i3
103 if abs(sq - 1) > 0.00001 then gosub 600

105 print "running" shots "iterations..."
110 z0 = 0 : z1 = 0 : z2 = 0 : z3 = 0
115 p0 = (r0 * r0 + i0 * i0)
120 p1 = (r1 * r1 + i1 * i1) + p0
125 p2 = (r2 * r2 + i2 * i2) + p1
130 p3 = (r3 * r3 + i3 * i3) + p2

135 for i = 1 to shots
140  r = rnd(0)
141  if r < p0 then z0 = z0 + 1
142  if r >= p0 and r < p1 then z1 = z1 + 1
143  if r >= p1 and r < p2 then z2 = z2 + 1
144  if r >= p2 and r < p3 then z3 = z3 + 1
146 next i

150 print "results:"
155 print "00: ["z0"] "; : for i = 1 to z0 : print "Q"; : next i : print
165 print "01: ["z2"] "; : for i = 1 to z2 : print "Q"; : next i : print 
160 print "10: ["z1"] "; : for i = 1 to z1 : print "Q"; : next i : print
170 print "11: ["z3"] "; : for i = 1 to z3 : print "Q"; : next i : print
175 goto 1000

200 rem simulate gate operation
210 if gate$ = "x0" then gosub 400
220 if gate$ = "x1" then gosub 420
230 if gate$ = "y0" then gosub 440
240 if gate$ = "y1" then gosub 460
250 if gate$ = "z0" then gosub 480
260 if gate$ = "z1" then gosub 500
270 if gate$ = "h0" then gosub 520
280 if gate$ = "h1" then gosub 540
290 if gate$ = "cx" then gosub 560
300 if gate$ = "sw" then gosub 580
310 return

400 rem x0 gate
410 a0 = r0 : r0 = r1 : r1 = a0
411 a0 = i0 : i0 = i1 : i1 = a0
412 a0 = r2 : r2 = r3 : r3 = a0
413 a0 = i2 : i2 = i3 : i3 = a0
416 return

420 rem x1 gate
425 a0 = r1 : r1 = r3 : r3 = a0
426 a0 = i1 : i1 = i3 : i3 = a0
427 a0 = r0 : r0 = r2 : r2 = a0
428 a0 = i0 : i0 = i2 : i2 = a0

440 rem y0 gate
446 a0 = i0 : i0 = -r0 : r0 = a0
447 a0 = i1 : i1 = -r1 : r1 = a0
448 a0 = i2 : i2 = -r2 : r2 = a0
449 a0 = i3 : i3 = -r3 : r3 = a0
450 return

460 rem y1 gate
466 a0 = i1 : i1 = -r1 : r1 = a0
467 a0 = i3 : i3 = -r3 : r3 = a0
468 return

480 rem z0 gate
482 i2 = -i2 : i3 = -i3
483 return

500 rem z1 gate
502 i1 = -i1 : i3 = -i3
503 return

520 rem h0 gate
521 a0 = (r0 + r1) / sqr(2) : a1 = (i0 + i1) / sqr(2)
522 b0 = (r0 - r1) / sqr(2) : b1 = (i0 - i1) / sqr(2)
523 r0 = a0 : i0 = a1 : r1 = b0 : i1 = b1
525 a0 = (r2 + r3) / sqr(2) : a1 = (i2 + i3) / sqr(2)
526 b0 = (r2 - r3) / sqr(2) : b1 = (i2 - i3) / sqr(2)
527 r2 = a0 : i2 = a1 : r3 = b0 : i3 = b1
528 return

540 rem h1 gate
541 a0 = (r0 + r2) / sqr(2) : a1 = (i0 + i2) / sqr(2)
542 b0 = (r0 - r2) / sqr(2) : b1 = (i0 - i2) / sqr(2)
543 r0 = a0 : i0 = a1 : r2 = b0 : i2 = b1
545 a0 = (r1 + r3) / sqr(2) : a1 = (i1 + i3) / sqr(2)
546 b0 = (r1 - r3) / sqr(2) : b1 = (i1 - i3) / sqr(2)
547 r1 = a0 : i1 = a1 : r3 = b0 : i3 = b1
548 return

560 rem cx gate
561 a0 = r1 : r1 = r3 : r3 = a0
562 a0 = i1 : i1 = i3 : i3 = a0
579 return 

580 rem sw gate
581 a0 = r1 : r1 = r2 : r2 = a0
582 a0 = i1 : i1 = i2 : i2 = a0
590 return

600 rem statevcector normalization
601 nf = sqr(1 / sq)
602 r0 = r0 * nf
603 i0 = i0 * nf
604 r1 = r1 * nf
605 i1 = i1 * nf
606 r2 = r2 * nf
607 i2 = i2 * nf
608 r3 = r3 * nf
609 i3 = i3 * nf
610 return

1000 end

The source code is accessible here: https://github.com/dakk/qc64 Twitter: @dagide

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