Working with big circuits

Qlasskit is capable of producing large circuit without any issue. The only thing that you have to do, is to use the fastOptimizer, since running CSE is too slow on large expressions lists.

In the next example we are going to create a quantum circuit with 64 Qint8 in input, and one Qint8 in output, resulting on a circuit of ~21984 qubits and ~1044 gates in around 5 seconds.

from qlasskit import Qint8, Qlist, boolopt, qlassfa

def test(a_list: Qlist[Qint8, 64]) -> Qint8:
    h_val = Qint8(0)
    for c in a_list:
        h_val = h_val + c
    return h_val
QCircuit<test>(21831 gates, 1036 qubits)