CLI Tools
Qlasskit also offer two cli tools: - py2bexp: translate python code to boolean expressions - py2qasm: translate python code to quantum circuits in qasm format
Receives a python script (file or stdin) in input and outputs bool expressions. The python script should contain at least one qlassf function.
usage: py2bexp [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-e ENTRYPOINT] [-o OUTPUT] [-f {anf,cnf,dnf,nnf}] [-t {sympy,dimacs}] [-v]
Convert qlassf functions in a Python script to boolean expressions.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
Input file (default: stdin)
Entrypoint function name
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file (default: stdout)
-f {anf,cnf,dnf,nnf}, --form {anf,cnf,dnf,nnf}
Expression form (default: sympy)
-t {sympy,dimacs}, --format {sympy,dimacs}
Output format (default: sympy)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Receives a python script (file or stdin) in input and outputs qasm code. The python script should contain at least one qlassf function.
usage: py2qasm [-h] [-i INPUT_FILE] [-e ENTRYPOINT] [-o OUTPUT] [-c {internal,tweedledum,recompiler}] [-q {2.0,3.0}]
Convert qlassf functions in a Python script to qasm code expressions.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_FILE, --input-file INPUT_FILE
Input file (default: stdin)
Entrypoint function name
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output file (default: stdout)
-c {internal,tweedledum,recompiler}, --compiler {internal,tweedledum,recompiler}
QASM compiler (default: internal)
-q {2.0,3.0}, --qasm-version {2.0,3.0}
QASM version (default: 3.0)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit